instalaciones edificio goierri eskola

Goierri Eskola is a pluralistic and participatory post compulsory teaching centre in the Basque country, which has a social emphasis. It is an integrated establishment in the Goierri Berrikuntza Gunea, where enterprise, education and technology centres come together, making it easier to collaborate and share knowledge.

Spanish educational system

Goierri Eskola offers

Upper secondary education (16-18)

  • Science and technologies

Initial Vocational Training (16-18)

  • Welding an machining
  • Vehicles maintenance
  • Hospitality

Medium level VET (16-18)

  • Welding and metal-works
  • Machining
  • Mecatronics
  • Attention for people in situations of dependence



Higher VET (18-20)

  • Administration and finance
  • Welding and metal-works
  • Mechanical design
  • Machining
  • Mecatronics
  • Robotics and automatic systems

University degree (18-22)





Presentation video

Teaching methods

Goierri Eskola’s teaching methods are adapted to the needs of individual students and the enterprises they work for, through a large organization that is adapted to the needs of the business world. As a result, enterprises can achieve the best return on their resources, developing their employees according to the needs of each area of their business at any given time, utilizing a permanent and innovative formation system.

Faculty and staff

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